Thursday, November 6, 2008

Life without Frank

Frank magazine, the satirical scandal sheet that for nearly two decades savaged the reputations of some of Canada's most powerful politicians, celebrities and media figures, has stopped running. Many of those who had been written about or "Franked," threatened lawsuits, and many issues toward the end of Michael Bate's ownership contained printed apologies as a means to warding off the expense of lawyers' fees.

Other signs of humourless times
Now they've axed MadTV! The show's final episode is scheduled to air in May. "We're proud of what we've accomplished, we're appreciative of what Fox has done and we don't think it should be over yet," Producer D. Salzman said. What else? And brilliant sitcom/reality TV show Trailer Park Boys got unplugged as well this season. Aaaaaaaarrrgh.

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